Hair Color: Auburn Red

Eye Color: Hazel

Height: 5’8″

Weight: 140 lbs

Shirt: Medium

Pants: 10/12

Shoe: 8

Pronouns: she/her, they/them


Kid God Kid (Lead) Ella Solarino
Mean Girls Ensemble Ella Solarino
Pronoun Informational Video Host (Lead) Storyboard, EQ Maine
Rocky Horror Music Video Ensemble CEHS


Almost, Maine Rhonda CEHS Theatre Dep.
The Lottery Belva Summers CEHS Theatre Dep.
Saint Dad (Staged Reading) Thomasina Portland Stage Co.
Urinetown Caldwell B. Cladwell CEHS Theatre Dep.
When We Were Young and Unafraid Penny Mad Horse Theatre Co.
Love & Information Various CEHS Theatre Dep.
Chamber Music Amelia Earhart CEHS Theatre Dep.
The Drowsy Chaperone Mrs. Tottendale CEHS Theatre Dep.
The Bacchae Maenad CEHS Theatre Dep.
The Crucible Martha Corey/Ensemble CEHS Theatre Dep.
Executive Orders Secret Agent CEHS Theatre Dep.
Footloose Betty Blast/Ensemble CEHS Theatre Dep.


Voice Over

Special Skills

Spanish (Advanced Conversational); Accents: Boston, Maine, Southern, Irish, British; Driving; Cooking; Baking; Drawing/Painting; Jewelry Making; Swimming; Roller Skating; Soccer; Softball; Public Speaking; Knitting
